Saturday, March 14, 2009


This post is just for me, so I can clear my brain of thoughts. If you've got better things to do, I understand...

I got a computer letter from my juvenile delinquent retired buddy down in Florida the other day. It was a forward from some lib he knows from all his years of working with libs. It was pretty interesting.

This fellow was trying to defend the Stinkulus bill that our Congress, and President have put into place. The poor fellow was using FDR, and his WPA "projects" as examples of how great this whole thing was gonna be. He tipped his hand early on by using terms like "fascist Republicans," and "Chimpy." So, I knew right away that he was a poor, demented soul that is so overcome with hatred that he can't think straight.

But I read it anyway. It was a really complex computer letter. This fellow had put pictures in it of all the WPA "projects" that people use every day, and did his best to make the point of how FDR loved people and all, and how evil everybody that opposes it is. I felt shamed...

In the same letter, this fellow lamented on how evil "Chimpy" was for killing 4,000 of our beloved Service men and women, and something like a brazillian innocent Iraqi citizens.

I think this fellow is a Democratic. The only thing missing was a reference to "Halliburton." (I guess he was in a hurry and forgot to throw that one in.)

Obviously this Democratic fellow has not yet picked up a history book and seen how many US service folks died in FDR's unjust war against the "Republican Nazis" in Europe. Neither has he figured out how many "innocent" Germans, Degos, Frogs, Brits, and Africans got killed in FDR's unjust war. (Not to mention the millions of Ruskies)

And I guess he was "absent" that day in History class when they were teaching about "The Truman Solution," which killed several hundred thousand innocent Japs in a couple of minutes... Truman wasn't quite satisfied with that, so he decided to put a double-explanation point on his sentence. (Hmmm......what political party did Truman belong to?)

Anyway, (I got sidetracked) this fellow was trying to convince everybody that the Stinkulus projects will be all really great for us. But my thought was "at what cost?"

As a father, (and as a son) I can not divorce myself from either the future, nor the past. When I see the massive debt that my children will be required to pay, due to the Stinkulus bill, it really gives me the reds!

All of you that are "fathers" should be able to identify. As a "father" I have very few expectations, or wants from my boys. I don't expect Father's Day cards, Christmas gifts, or Birthday presents from my sons. (And I can say proudly that they have never exceed my expectations).

My desire as a father is to do those things for them. My Daddy taught me well! He has over, and over, and over, "paid it backwards" to his children. He has helped all four of us more times than I can shake a stick at! I won't bore y'all with details, but he has always cared more about his kids than himself. That's a lesson that I have learned well...long stories...

I do not want to saddle my children with my "wants." My great hope for my boys is that I can leave this world having taken more burdens from them than I've laid on them. When I look at the looming disasters of Social Security, and Medicare obligations that will be passed on to my boys, it really troubles me.

Then you add to that this trillion dollar Stinkulus bill...this new bridge I'm gonna be able to drive over until they take my license away, and this new tunnel I might get lost in, and this really nice ACORN lady that's gonna come around and make sure I'm registered up to vote for Democratics...and on and really troubles me for their future.

My boys deserve better than that! They didn't ask to be born, and they should not be saddled with paying for crap like this until they take the dirt nap. They have their own aspirations, goals, loves, likes, and dislikes. They should be liberated from paying for old farts' nursing home care, and shuffleboard lessons.

It is good and dadgummed time for us to start "paying it backwards." I think that it was Benjamin Franklin that came up with the idea of "paying it forward." I could be wrong, but it was something like he wasn't going to "give" some fellow some money to help him out. He told the fellow that he would "loan" it to him on the condition that up somewhere in the future he would pass the loan along to someone else in need. That's cool I guess, but what we should be doing is paying it backwards. It is sinful to lay our debts on our children.

We need to put our foots down! If our American children will survive with the liberties we have enjoyed, it's time to drop the selfishness...drop the fears of "who will pay for somebody to wipe my butt in a nursing home?"..."who will pay for my toenails to be trimmed when I can't see them anymore?" (Medicare does that ya' know)..."who will keep me on a ventillator for a few more hours (at thousands of bucks per hour), so that I can vex my children, and make them miserable for a few more minutes?"

I don't want my boys to pay my debts. And I don't want your children to, either. I want to pay all of mine, and half of theirs. I want to leave the next generation unencumbered. They will make plenty of debt on their own...they don't need any help from us. I know I can't do anything about it, but it gives me a full-blown case of the reds.

Like I said...just rambling...


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