Saturday, March 14, 2009


Yesterday, I posted the story about the PETArds suggesting that a closing chicken processing plant in Farmerville, LA be turned into a "Chicken Empathy Museum."

I guess this little ole blog is starting to get more and more traffic, because I am beginning to get computer letters most every day from folks that disagree with me. This is gettin' fun! You oughta read some of the funny ignorance that comes to my computer letter's better than a Larry the Cable Guy TV special.

So, I get this computer letter from bambi_saver@ some obscure organization that I have never heard of. But you oughta see their computer page...nyuk nyuk.

I won't post the whole ignorant letter, but I thought I'd share a few excerpts with y'all.

I read what u rote making fun of P.E.T.A., and u shuld be ashamed. It is blowhards like u that threaten the first amendment! U shuld shutup and not deny us animal lovers our work.


U'l be sorry one day when all the animals are dead because of people like u.

Dang right I will! Us bastards!

I bet u dont know anything about chickens at all except how to murder one and pull it's feathers off and fry it up in ur redneck stewpot!

Well bambi_saver, it just so happens that I do know a little bit about chickens. In fact, I bet I have owned (oops...I know y'all don't like the concept of human ownership of animals) cared for more chickens than you have ever saved. We had standards and exotics. In fact, The Mrs. raised Rhode Island Reds that won the blue ribbon at the LaPlata County Fair (bambi_saver, a blue ribbon means that they were the best chickens at that there County know, kinda like when you win the 3-legged race at Field Day). Those were beautiful girls...and real good layers...and tasty.

And you don't fry up a chicken in a stewpot. You use a black iron skillet, ignorant.

Chickens are reel smart too, just like the letter said. Have u ever tryed playing one of them at tic tac toe at the county fair? U shuld try it. It costs a quarter to try, so u probably can't afford even one game, but I bet u couldn't win even onse.

As a matter of fact bambi_saver, I have. It cost me a borrowed quarter to stump the bird-brained White Rock, and I winned me a stuffed puppy dog (don't worry, it was not a REAL stuffed puppy dog).

(And I just loved this line) - U shuld keep ur foolishness to urself, and save the world from animal haters like u. Shame on u Urban Redneck. And btw, what do you mean by calling us animal lovers PETArds? What does r.d.s. stand for?

Sometimes I just shake my head, and sometimes I just want to blow it off...


  1. The new term that I found for these folks is the "Human Jacuzzi of Stupid."

    The fact that she called you out of eating chickens is funny.

    And the HUGE monumental leaps in "logic" these folks take just dumbfounds me. a+b=c, so therefore yellow MUST be steel.

    Top right corner, you & dog. Okay, you simply MUST, MUST, MUST hate animals.

  2. Yeah TD, I almost lettered her back that I ain't eaten a chicken in over 20 years. But I didn't want her to think that she had I had anything in common.

    Truthfully, it makes me worry about myself. I might go visit The Colonel tonight just to prove I'm still sane!

    And that ain't a "dog." That's Sadie. I don't like to refer to her as a dog, as she is too stupid to qualify. But "animal" works.

    "Human Jacuzzi of Stupid"... bwwwwwahahahahahahahaha! That's just about right!!!

  3. I wanna see bambi_saver try to save bambi, so I can watch bambi's mom kick and stomp her silly.

    I'm not one of the folks that find deer particularly tasty. Now Cows, Chickens and Pigs.... Yummmmmm!

    I really like to sometimes walk up to people that have child dogs... you know, the ones who have their dog in their purse or a stroller or a child carrier on their chest. Love to say something like: "I see you brought your own lunch... Fresh, too.... is it better fried or grilled?"

  4.'re always good to teach a juvenile delinquent a new lesson they haven't learned yet.

    "Child dogs"..."fried, or grilled"...ha ha ha...I'm gonna use that one. I will not give you credit for it, as I have learned to steal all good ideas and claim them as my own.

    It seems like I remember(somewhere in the back of my brain) some guy that came to visit the Will's Appliance store. I'm not sure where that masked man came from...maybe Illinois...maybe.

    He looked at a Whirlpool Trash Compactor, and said... "Hmmm...electric baby-sitter!"

    I spewed a 6 1/2 ounce Coca-Cola from my nostrils...not one of my finest moments...sigh. But I stole it, and sold a bunch of those suckers!

    So, consider it stolen.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?