Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well, it seems that GM & Chrysler dealers that were ex-ed by BozoBama are just a bit ticked off that they can no longer make a living selling cars.

Shazaaaaaam! Whodathunkit?

Today, the geniuses that BarackO' has installed to oversee the complete destruction of the US auto industry have gone up to Congress to 'splain why.

I mean, if I had invested my life, my resources, my energy, and inheritance into a business built on selling cars...and the 47-year-old Wise One, BozoBama, had with a stroke of a pen destroyed everything that I, and that my family had worked for for generations...well heck...I'd be just as pleased as punch. What's wrong with those morons? Don't they know that the "all wise Hussein" knows all?

My family was in the appliance and television business, and I worked in it until I was about 30 years old. I guess the principles of business have changed in the 19 years since. Certainly, there were attempts by Distributors to protect "Dealer Territories."

But the main goal of an appliance, or television manufacturer was always to SELL MORE PRODUCT...MAKE MORE MONEY...and if that meant that they had to let their product out to another local "Dealer" with a better marketing mousetrap, at the expense of the Dealer with an old be it!

But that did not preclude the Dealer with the old mousetrap from catching one every once in a while, and keeping food on the table for himself, his family, and his employees.

What BozoBama is doing makes no sense whatsoever. Somebody can try to convince me that having your product for sale at FEWER LOCATIONS is a brilliant idea. But you won't...

This guy (who I have completely run out of patience with) is hell-bent on the destruction of my America.

Sorry Cowdad! You did your best to cheer me up. You're good...just not THAT good...


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