Saturday, July 11, 2009


Put the dog out...let the cat in...and for Heaven's sake, keep up with your meds!!!

Seriously though...JT is probably The Mrs.' most favorite singer of forever...Well, him and Neil Diamond... I'll get to Neil on "Saturday Night Love Songs" pretty soon...but for tonight, it's JT...AND IT'S THE GOD'S HONEST TRUTH!


  1. Ah, I can comment again! Whee!

    I'm a big fan of James Taylor, although this isn't my favorite of his. Fire and Rain might be. That's a true story, by the way, James Taylor was engaged to a woman and she died in a plane crash just before their wedding. "Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground" for sure.

  2. Ah, I see on Wikipedia that's not true, it was a song about a friend of his who committed suicide. Hm.. I was sure that was a true story. I guess I got pwnd.

  3. Cosmic, if I remember right, it was a girl that was institutionalized for emotional problems.

    The legend I heard was that he met her while he was "in there" with his own struggles. Dunno. But Fire and Rain is classic.

    Pam loves JT. One of the best gifts I ever gave her was a CD collection...she likes bald guys. (wink)

  4. The "flying machines" is actually a reference to a band he was in that fell apart. Hm.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?