Saturday, July 11, 2009


I don't talk much about religion on this blog. Truthfully, I don't care much for "religion" as it is commonly defined and practiced today. At the same time, I have not even one tiny bit of frustration with folks that adhere to a particular doctrine, either. (except for Muslims...I'm talking about Christianity here, not the devil's junk) That's where they are, and what they have come to in their spiritual

I am a Christian. I'm not a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Pentecostal, or anything with a name other than a Christian. I believe that The Holy Bible is God's message to mankind, and I have found my truth in it's pages. I am "chiefest" among sinners, and fall short more often than not in following Christ. I could write for hours every jot and tittle of what I believe, and confess all of my failings, but I will not bore you, I don't really like confessing on the world wide computer. My failings should be very obvious to those of you who read this little blog already.

That being said, I am not a Roman Catholic, and I certainly don't play one on the internet, or have a deep knowledge of Roman Catholicism. So, it is from this position of ignorance that I read this article from Newsweek, written by none other than one of the Kennedy Clan (obvious devout Roman Catholics, and stalwarts of morality).

It seems that Ms. Kennedy Townsend believes that Barack Obama is more "Catholic" than Pope Benedict. The title of her piece is, "Why Barack Obama represents American Catholics better than the pope does."

(As a side note, one blogger quipped, "Obama more Catholic than Pope! What next, 'Obama more Christlike than Jesus?' ")

This Kennedy chick cites polling data from American Catholics, speaks to issues of birth control, abortion, etc. It is this kind of thing that causes a non-Catholic like myself to scratch his rapidly balding head. Once again, I am writing from a position of ignorance.

But it has always puzzled me that one will claim Catholicism, yet disagree so directly with the line of authority in the Roman Catholic Church. Why even be a Catholic? And why does the Catholic Church tolerate those that are so clearly anti-Catholic in it's midst. Why don't they "ex" legislators like Tom Daschle, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Nancy Pelosi...etc. that support the crime of abortion? Why not?

I can no more understand an American Catholic that would support a pro-abortion/pro-gay marriage/pro-"sin" candidate than I can understand the American Jews that support our anti-Israel current President...and hundreds of other liberal politicians for that matter.

It really does beg the question..."Is the Catholic Church more interested in keeping the lights on than it is in being the light of the world?" Now, this question could apply to a WHOLE LOT MORE churches than just the Roman Catholic don't think I'm "Catholic-bashing." It's just a mystery to me from both angles.

Why would a pro-birth control, or pro-abortion, or pro-gay marriage person want to even identify themselves with a Church that proclaims those things to be wrong? Do they think they're going to change The Pope's mind with their opinions? Believe you me...I would not be a member of a Church that could be swayed in it's doctrines, or teachings by popular opinion. That church would suck. By the same token, I have never understood politically conservative Roman Catholics that support the death penalty (in direct opposition to church teachings). I have heard their justifications, but ain't buying.

I have read, (and attempted to understand) many American Catholics try to explain "why" it's okay to disagree with The Pope, or the priestly hierarchy, and still maintain that you are "Catholic." But truthfully, it's all pretty hollow. If I attended a Church...let's say a Southern Baptist Church...that taught that "speaking in tongues is demonic." I would leave that church immediately, because I know that it is not, and that teaching violates the Word of God.

If I attended a Church that taught that black folks are inferior to whites, I would leave that church immediately, because I know that they are not, and that teaching violates the Word of God. I could go on and on with examples, but I think you get my drift. I do not want to identify with a doctrine that I find in error...pure and simple...and will not pull a wagon for WRONG!

I don't know...maybe I'm just odd. But I believe, "in for a penny, in for a pound!" "Lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way!" "Piss, or get off the pot!" "See, raise, or fold Dangit!" I'm sure there are other cliches that I could come up with... But I mean, GET IN OR GET OUT...BE ONE OR DON'T BE ONE. But don't claim to be one if you ain't. You can live without the Catholic Church, and they can live without you.

Who knows? Kathleen Kennedy Townsend may be right. Barack Obama may represent the opinions of American Catholics better than The Pope does. If she is right, then what does that say about the structure of, and discipline within the Catholic Church?

I'm just asking...


  1. I don't get it either Andy. But, as a whole, the Catholic church is the one "closest" to my beliefs. I think one of the reasons is that, when/if you go to a Catholic church, you really feel like you've been to church, as opposed to some of these new-fangled (did I just say "new-fangled"? jeeze I am my grandmother) churches that pander to rock concerts. I don't know, its just me, and I'm not here to argue, one bit, but I can guarantee you that I don't think Obama is more Catholic than the Pope. That's just baloney.

  2. Well, I wish our local Catholic church didn't "pander to rock concerts." Mass is like a pop concert here - ugh! What happened to beautiful Gregorian chant?

    Most of the American Catholics that I've known have either quit the church or cherry-pick what they believe. But, like you, Andy, I don't understand. Actually I don't understand how any American can be a "Roman" Catholic.

    It's a puzzle - but to each his own.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?