Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hey y'all! Hugs, kisses, yada yada yada...

The Mrs.-in-law had knee surgery on Friday. So, that means that The Mrs. has been occupied with helping out her Momma and all. She's a good daughter... So, that also meant that it fell to me to cut all her 6 yards that she has so generously committed to take care of (AT NO CHARGE) this weekend.

So, I finally got finished about 4 pm. And I must say that everything just looks outstandingly fabulous! Actually, The Mrs. did take time out from helping her Momma to give me a hand. She's a good Mrs.

So, I'm finished! All cleaned up bright and shiny like new money. Ready to settle in for the night. Got it all behind me for this weekend!!!

I'll tell ya, it really feels good to get out of them yard-cutting shoes, and get my foots all cleaned up!


  1. What is it with you guys posting pics of yer feets here lately? Garsh!

    Andy, those toes are CLEAN. No pedicure necessary. Congrats!!

  2. AND. Just so you know, Paul sent me back here to say...


    So blame him for that.

    Carry on. :)

  3. Paul & Christina, JORTS and bare feets are my standard summer appearance. I mean, if you got it...flaunt it! ;)

    No, since Paul bravely did it, I thought I would, too. Who knows...a whole internet "craze" might take hold.

  4. I'll admit it. Until ya'll? I had NEVAH heard the term JORTS.

    I still think the feet thing is nuts, mainly because I am NOT taking a photo of my feet till I re-polish my toenails. But'll go viral. :)

  5. Make a video...

    Actually, The Mrs. offered to paint my toenails for the shot. But I told her that would be both false advertising, and gay.

  6. Nice pedicure, dude.

    I really do like the new profile picture.

  7. Us grown up guys have moved from the JORTS to baggy khakis. You youngsters tickle me to death.

    And since no one made a comment about it, I too usually have the footie tan, I just haven't played golf that much this year.

  8. Staci!!! You're back! Looking forward to the full report. Thanks for the compliment...I'm blushing...

    Paul, you oughta see me in my Daisy Dukes.

    Actually, I spend March through October barefooted. My feet are as tough as leather...I can step on a briar, or a nail and just giggle.

    The only time I wear shoes is while cutting grass (which is about 190 hours a week), or on trips to the WalMart...thus the "footie tan."

  9. Andy, you don't have to wear shirt OR shoes to Wal-Mart if you use the "self-serve" checkout. You can point that out to them if they make a big stink about it. I took my lawyer and they backed down.

  10. Paul, that is good to know. Except my Wal-Mart does not have a "self-serve" checkout. I guess MS WalMarts are way ahead of the curve on technological junk.

    The last store I was in with a "no shoes, no shirt, no problem" policy was on the beach in Gulf Shores, AL. I must admit (however humbly) that almost all the patrons and clerks were impressed!

    And I was sure glad! The boys & The Mrs. were back at the condo, and just dying for some ice cream. The young lady clerk didn't even seem to notice that I gave her a "One" instead of a "Five" for the half-gallon of Cookies and Cream.

    I have that effect on folks...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?