Monday, August 31, 2009

Quote (s) of the day...

"Life is just one damned thing after another." - Mark Twain

"Smile Luigi!" - My Momma

"Cheer UP! You'll be dead soon." - Father Francis

"Wish in one hand and spit in the other...and see which one fills up fastest." - My Momma

"Ain't nothing in this whole world worth a solitary dime, but old dogs, and children, and watermelon wine." - Tom T. Hall

That's all I got!

At the end of today, I kinda feel like John Denver when he sang about Toledo, Ohio. "I spent a week there one day."


  1. I read a bumper sticker a while back that said "I smoked pot for a month last night". Kind of in the same vein....

  2. Nyuk! Yep Staci, it was one of them kind of days.

    But I'm feeling MUCH better weed involved...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?