Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A lesson in manners. Never speak "STUPID" of the dead...

My friend Staci gave me the heads-up on a blog post that I MUST share with all 9 of y'all. Before I give you the link, I need to give you a preface (that's like the thing in the front of a book that leads up to the book).

Preface - (that's like the thing in the front of a book that leads up to the book) - I was raised in a wonderful Christian home, and Momma and Daddy taught me good manners. Believe it or not, they really did! I learned from my parents that you should "never say something about someone behind their back that you wouldn't say to their face."

I also learned that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I'm sorry...I can't adhere to that one. I've tried, and realize that consistent failure teaches reality.

But I never heard, "Never speak ill of the dead." Nope. Not once. I do not believe that it is in poor taste to speak "ill" of the dead. As long as you are willing to say something about someone while they are still consuming oxygen, it is just fine to say it after they assume tomb temperature.

I had occasion to ride an elevator with BigHead Ted Kennedy in Washington, DC in 1976. I was a senior in high school. There was just me, a friend, and BigHead on board. I was wearing my official "CloseUp" badge (a program where high school kids went to DC), and was "feeling my oats." I told him (in my immature, 17-year-old way) that I thought he was trying to destroy America. The old fart just grinned at me and did not respond. I think that he got that a lot.

So, I will say that Ted Kennedy was a useless sack of crap. He was a womanizing, elitist, big fat drunk, murdering bag of poo that just happened to be born to privilege. He took advantage of his "privileged birth," to pursue hedonistic flings, boozing, murder, and to cover up such things within his own family. He did more to destroy everything I find sacred about the United States while he was still sucking up God's oxygen than any politician in my lifetime...to this point.

Over these last several days, I will admit to many "gag" moments while watching the media cover the death of BigHead. I did my best to stay away from it, but occasionally everyone fails. Even me. Fortunately, on Saturday morning, I saw my best neighbor across the street outside with a shovel. I walked across the street to ask "what's up?"

"Well Andy, I've got a sewer line stopped up that has to be replaced all the way to the street, and the plumber says if I dig it all up for him, it's gonna save me about $500 to get it replaced. It's all full of shit and God knows what."

So, I responded, "Please let me help! I'll go get my sharp-shooter and coal shovel. I don't mind at all! I'd rather shovel shit than watch Ted Kennedy's funeral."

So we did. At least "something" productive came of my Saturday morning.

Now, on to the post that Staci alerted me to...

Now, I must say that I realize it is not "Christian" to make fun of people that have obviously lost their faculties. I have had many elderly relatives, and friends...folks that I love and respect...that lost touch with reality in the twilight of their lives. It's just a natural thing, and will likely happen to me if I don't die pretty quick.

However, I will make fun of the stupid comments! They are all rich, but #3 is truly "CLASSIC!" Obviously #3 was a product of liberal public schools, and so gullible that they'd swallow a plastic cricket. Or, maybe just Laughing Out Loud along with the joke of a post. Dunno...

The blog I am going to link to is named "...SVENSTO... I have searched the worldwide computer to find out if this is REALLY AN OLD WOMAN, or somebody with a wicked sense of humor. There are dozens of links to this blog. But I still have my doubts... Have I been hornswaggled?

So, this is the post.


  1. I still cannot wrap my head around that; I mean, Ted even admitted he knew she was there. May I never get old enough to invent my own reality.

  2. I watched the graveside part, where a letter from Ted to the Pope was read.
    I noticed that in his letter he said I did this, and that, and so on and on.
    He asked for prayer for his healing. He mentioned failures, but never ask for forgiveness.
    "I did, I did, I'm good, I'm so good..."
    I think he missed the point of faith.

  3. I just left a reply:

    How pathetic! Gag me! I suppose fairies exist too?

  4. "BigHead Ted"..bwhahahahahahaha.

    I generally tend to let the dead lie, but Ted lied so much in life... ;)


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?