Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Please forgive me President Reagan...

I love you, and you know I do! The first time I got a chance to vote for a US President, I proudly cast it for you! And the second time was no different.

I can't express all of my fond memories, loyalty, and devotion to you......but this is just stinkin' funny!


  1. Well...I reckon he'd be laughing his ass off, considering how funny he found the reference to him in the Back To The Future movie ;)

  2. Skunks, True...

    I never saw a President that could make more sport of himself than Ronny RayGun... Dubya came close.

    Man, I miss Ronny.

  3. So, THIS is Andy's place,eh.

    Hm. Pretty good.

    I miss Ronnie on "Death Valley Days", and still regret that "Twenty Mule Team Borax " was not available in Canada.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?