Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is just WRONG!!!!!!

Now, y'all know that I am -

1) a huge LSU Tiger fan -

B) a dog lover -

But this is just WRONG!

I mean, if you're gonna show your loyalty to LSU by screwing around with your dog's hair, (which is something I had not thought of, but might try) at least you could use a REAL DOG!...not a stinkin' "French" Poodle.

Somebody needs to call the PETArds...


  1. At least use a Standard Poodle! The noble hunting dogs. Not some stinking yippy toy poodle, which isn't good either fried, roasted or fricasseed! Chewy, tough, tasteless!

  2. I just found your blog last week, by way of Born Again Redneck, was so impressed with it that I copied it to my "Favorite Places" and you go and ruin everything by calling standard poodles "stinkin". I love these dogs and would not ever consider another breed. They are number 2 on the dog intelligence list and they are extremely smart. And they don't shed. They did not originate in France but Germany. I don't know if that elevates them in your view. I just try to forget about the Germany connection. It was the French that gave them the goofy haircuts but for a good reason. You could google for that information. Well OK maybe I'll keep reading your blog, just leave my beloved standard poodles alone.

  3. Deanna, Thanks for stopping by! I hope you know that almost everything on this blog is just foolishness. Nothing personal against Fluffy, trust me...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?