Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Baby Brother...

...told me this story this afternoon.

My buddy Chris and his wife were supposed to go to a Halloween Party thrown by one of his friends. As it came close to time to get ready to go, his wife was laying on the couch with a headache...she obviously did not want to go. Chris was a little disappointed, because he had bought a Lone Ranger costume, which he had modeled for her. He had told his wife, Amy, to get a costume, too.

She had dutifully bought one, but had thrown it in the back of the closet without showing it to him (obviously planning to have a headache on Halloween).

Chris said to Amy, "Sweetheart, I know you don't feel good. I'll just go to the party alone. I have to go. Al will be expecting us, and I at least need to make an appearance." So, Chris donned his costume and left for the big party at Al's house.

As Amy thought about it, she realized that she should have gone with Chris. But an even more interesting, and sinister thought came to her mind. She thought, "I wonder what Chris would be like at a party without me?" So, Amy put on her very sexy witch costume (and witch makeup), jumped in the SUV, and headed off to Al's party.

When she arrived, she saw Chris (clad in his Lone Ranger costume) sitting in the corner. He was surrounded by three voluptuous chicks that were obviously flirting with him. And, he was soaking it all in...really soaking it in. So, she decided to break it all up. She approached the corner, and did a double-doozie sex-up, which finally broke the spirit of the other three chicks.

After what could be described as visible porn moves on Amy's part, the two headed out to the SUV, and made mad, passionate love.

After what could be described as a sexual "mini-marathon," Amy gathered herself, and pushed the Lone Ranger out of the car. Then she sped off back home, undressed, and went to sleep.

Several hours later, Chris arrived back home. He found Amy naked, and asleep in bed. As he slipped into bed, Amy roused and said, "Hi fella! Did you have a good time at the Halloween Party?"

Chris replied, "No, not really." Amy was a little hurt, and asked, "Well, why not?"

Chris said, "It was the most boring party I have ever been to. In fact, me, Al, Glenn, and Jeff went back in the bedroom and played cards for hours until everybody left."

Amy now began to get really ticked off, but before she could say anything else, he said, "Yeah, it was a boring party...but that guy that borrowed my costume told us that he had one helluva good time!"


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