Yey y'all, I didn't put much up on the computer today. I'm gonna be pretty busy. Last Friday, my good buddy Bobby Jindal called me and asked if I would come down to Baton Rouge and stand up with him for his swearing in as Governor of Louisiana...sort of like a "best man" deal.
So I asked him if Kathleen Blanco was gonna be there, too. He said she was, but I didn't have to socialize with her.
So, I told him I would. That's why I got the Mrs. to trim my neck. I had told Bobby that my truck wasn't running good enough to get all the way down there, and do you know what he did? That boy sent me a bus ticket by FederalExpress...that's the kind of fellow he is.
So I gotta run on. The Mrs. is fixing to pump me out to Greyhound. Wish me luck!
Trust me, I will have a full report for y'all in a day or two. Oh yea, I forgot to tell y'all that there was a big old ruckus at Wal-Mart the other day, and I was right in the middle of it. I'll let you know about that too when I get back.
I'm as excited as a little Redneck Kid at Christmas!
I'm so excited, I think I'm gonna turn loose some water. (I think I'm gonna run down to my old neighbor-lady's house and ask if I could borrow a Depends for the trip).
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Don't cuss nobody out, okay?