Those of you that know me well know that I am a registered Libertarian...I know, I know...but I have to shave every so often, and when I look myself in the mirror I need to know that I'm not a member of a political party that is subversive to the US Constitution, or I just might slash my throat...so no Dem. or Rep. for me.
I like Ron Paul, even though I think he's wrong about fighting "radical Islamists." But, I've got to admit that the guy is goofy in a lot of ways. He is completely unelectable outside of his
district (or Kucinich's district maybe...that would be a heckuva race between Ron and Dennis, huh?).
But "goofiness" doesn't make you wrong. Being wrong makes you wrong, and Ron Paul is wrong on a few things...he's goofy all of the time, but that doesn't make him wrong all of the time.
Paul is wrong when he proposes that we are fomenting terrorism by our presence in the Middle East...dead wrong! Radical Islamists hated us before the first Anglo set foot on their sacred sand. I am a Christian, and believe in the exhortation of Jesus to "turn the other cheek." The old preachers would tell you..."Yes, but you only have two cheeks." That is true...well you really have 4 cheeks if you take the entire anatomy into account. When you have been slapped on all 4 cheeks, there is nothing left to "turn." We got slapped-over more than enough before striking back at these miserable jehus.
The President of the United States does not take an oath to be Christian. His Office requires him to find, and terminate every threat to the citizens of the US, regardless of the un-Christlike decisions he must make.
Paul is right in so many ways (the border, taxes, limiting the Federal government, local control of education, etc.)...but a goofy messenger. Goofy messengers aren't usually shot...only laughed at. Kucinich is just plain "goofy-on-the-hoof". Neither are good messengers...too goofy for the public at large to take seriously.
I know that "Libertarianism" is truly in the minority in the USA, and it pains me. But there is very little I can do to change it. I just try to make the best of it, and hope for better days to come.
There really is a Libertarian movement. The fact is that it encompasses those on the "far, far right," and those on the "far, far left." Those are strange bedfellows for sure, but "far, far-anything" people are strange to start out with, so maybe it's not so strange after all. The far, far right loves Ron Paul. The far, far left loves Kucinich.
I don't know if you picked up on it, but these guys look, and act amazingly alike. The similarity is astounding! Sure, they have differences in their ideas of the role of the Federal Government in issues like welfare, spending, illegal immigration, etc. But each of these guys has grabbed a sizable bit of the populace, and convinced them that they are the man to save the US Constitution. Though a minority, the fact that their message has resonated with so many people is an indicator that many, many people understand that the Constitution does need saving. And it truly does.
We're teetering here folks...we really are.
A friend sent me a link to Ron Paul's legislative forecast for 2008. You can read it all here
In the interest of editorial fairness, I tried to read Dennis Kucinich's legislative forecast, but it is in Vulcan, and BabelFish doesn't translate that yet.
This is a quote from Ron Paul in his forecast:
"Moreover, the government will require more money than ever this year, and as funding options run out, taxes will go up. Expect stealth tax increases on consumer goods, perhaps airline tickets or cigarettes, and increased government fees here and there. Ironically total revenues will probably fall due to a weakened economy. The new programs started to “help” the country will require extra money wherever the government can squeeze it out of you, unfortunately it will be at exactly the moment you can least afford it."
Well, the two funny-looking chicks with the "Save the Constitution" sign were at a rally in New Hampshire for Kucinich. Coulda been fans of either...food for thought, huh?
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