Monday, January 7, 2008


...sometimes she can be a real wise acre.

So I get my neighbor across the street to pump me up to Wal-Mart (the truck's still not runnin good). I buy a nice new Mr. Coffee (the $18 deluxe model...I'm not buying them cheap ones anymore) after that unfortunate incident this morning.

I get home with it, and tell the Mrs. "Happy Anniversary Baby!" (It's a while until the BIG DAY, but it'll have to do). She was proud. She set it up right away. I was proud.

So I go outside to work on the truck for awhile and I come back in to look for some duct tape. I'm walkin through the kitchen, and I see one of them yellow sticky-notes on top of her anniversary present. I pulled the reading glasses out of the drawer, and it said (in her handriting by the way), PUT WATER IN BEFORE STARTING.

God love her...I guess I don't blame woman wants her anniversary gift ruined.

1 comment:

Don't cuss nobody out, okay?