Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well, I think I have finally figured out my condurum (you know, that's when you can't quite figure whether you are for, or against something) about my man Hillary and her wife Bill becoming President and First Lady of the Democrats.

I have told y'all that I think Bill is too old to be a good First Lady. I still think that's true, but I think he's just right old to be Vice President of the Democrats. I mean, he's younger than alot of Vice Presidents were...and his name on the ticket sure won't hurt his husband Hillary.

So here's the deal. Now, Hillary can't name her wife as VP nominee...that just won't fly. But, the Clintons own a bunch of judges and I bet that they can get a (let me get my word book...) expedited divorce within the next month or so. Then, Obamprah and his wife can use the same judge and get a divorce real quick.

Then, Hillary can get married to there's a quality First Lady! He's young, attractive, well-spoken, and can fit right in with representing the US at African despot funerals. I don't think Obamprah will fall to sleep once, or have relations with an intern...or with Hillary for that matter.

After that, Bubba can get married to Michelle Obamprah. I don't know if she'll go for it, but I know that Bill will (but Barack might talk Michelle into it). Then Hillary can take Bill as her running mate, seeing as he's not her wife, and married to a pretty black lady.

I'm telling y'all this is a "win-win."

My man Hillary finally gets loose from Bill...Bill finally gets a good-looking wife...Obamphra gets next in line for President of the Democrats (just like Hillary did behind Bill)...And we have the first white female married to a black male...with a white male married to a black female as VP running mate. Hillary gets to be President of the Democrats. Bill gets to spend alot of time doing nothing (just waiting around in case Hillary takes a dirt nap), and in 8 years, Barack Obamprah gets to be the President of the Democrats for good.

The only one I feel bad for in this whole deal is Michelle Obamprah. I mean, we all know how hard it is for a married woman to claim "rape." But she is a real good-looking, well-spoken gal. After the Democrats see how bad she's been done by her husband Bill...well, she might get to be the President of the Democrats like Hillary is (instead of Barack...he probably wont care by then).


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