I don't know if y'all saw this or not, but this gal that works for ESPN has went over the line. I mean it's one thing if Rush Limbaugh calls Donovan McNabb a token negro for the press, or if this other Golf Channel (who has that?) chick talks about lynching my man Tiger...but this Dana Jacobson gal has really done it!
She has said potty-mouth words to Jesus. You can look at the article right here
But the jist of what she said was something awful to our Savior. Now it's one thing if you curse Notre Dame, or a statue there on the campus...but when you go potty-mouthing about the Savior...well...
Now I don't think that Rush should have been fired for what he said, nor the Golf Channel gal suspended for what she said, or this Amazon gal Dana Jacobsen get suspended for what she said. This is America, and we ought all be able to say what we think. I believe that the only reason somebody ought to get fired is if the things they say hurt the company that they are working for.
What Rush, or the Golf Channel gal (though probably not too many folks watch it), or this Jacobsen chick said ought not have any bearing on their job. Political correctness is not the object here...ignorance is. If somebody is so ignorant that they go out and curse the Savior (I know they say she had been drinking...but that only helps bring out what's inside already) then that is ignorance that probably is gonna hurt her employer. I don't think what Rush said, or what this Golf Channel gal said would offend too many folks, nor hurt their employer (I mean, how can you hurt the Golf Channel...everybody that looks at it is white).
We ought to all pray for this Dana Jacobsen. I know it didn't hurt Jesus' feelings none...He's been through that before. But for her sake, she needs to get to know Him better.
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