As a young man, I was just (let me get my word book...) infatuated with her (until the Mrs. came along, of course). Finding out that she was older than my Momma just didn't seem right. Bloomberg has the story of her career

Then what really give me a cause to pause was this bit from the story:
Pleshette was married three times, most recently to actor Tom Poston, who played George the handyman on ``Newhart.'' He died in April. Her other marriages were to actor Troy Donahue in 1964, which lasted less than a year, and Texas businessman Tim Gallagher from 1968 until his death in 2000.
Dang, she was married to Troy Donahue (almost prettier than her), and then to "George?" Well, to each their own I guess. Well, it was nice to see that she made it 32 years with this Texas boy Gallagher. I'll bet George was a real nice fellow if Suzanne loved him. I'll bet she was a pretty nice gal, too.
Rest in peace Suzanne.
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