Well, "W" did it!
I have been warning y'all for awhile that the Bush administration planned to put down the Alien community for good! The Aliens had all lined up behind Dr. Ron Paul for President, and had disabled one of our US spy satellites in protest of their brother Dennis Kucinich dropping out of the race for President of the Democrats.
Well, "W" shot that satellite right out of outer space last night! And I can tell you for sure that the Alien population is completely unheartened right now. It's just like a big old bus fell right from the sky on their heads.
Glingdar, a 2,000 year-old gray from Nicholasville, KY said, "It's really hard on a young Alien like me. I had pinned all my hopes on Kucinich, then on Dr. Paul...now to see 'The Man' shoot down our protest really unheartens me. It just makes you think 'to Mercury with it all'...who even cares anymore?"
Marfazian Wee, the Supreme Leader of the Federation for Alien Dominance released a statement:
"The FAD is very unheartened today at the overreaching response by the Bush administration to our peaceful protest. We consider this to be as aggregious as the actions of the National Guard at Kent State, or Ronald Reagans' dismissal of PATCO employees.
The FAD will lodge a complaint with the courts (as soon as we figure out which court has jurisdiction over this). We expect to seek unspecified damages, and to prevail in our complaint. And George Bush, "Shame on you."
The comedians have had fun with this serious matter though! I heard Jay Leno say, "So we're going to shoot down one of our own spy satellites...I knew it wouldn't be long before President Bush declared war on the US." That was pretty funny.
Seriously though, the ramifications of this satellite shoot-down are really something! We have shown the world that if we want to, we can shut down their communications at will. We can cripple any enemy...and they won't even know what happened.
Of course, there will be unintended consequences (as there always are). The Chinese commies are peeing their pants right now I bet...and hopefully Putin is, too. But that won't last long. They'll be dragging us up to the UN Security Council (cough cough) for some kind of censure or something.
I'm gonna keep a sharp eye on this over the weeks and months ahead. The Mrs. and I were talking this morning about what a great visionary Ronald Reagan was. People laughed and laughed...yea, ha ha!
Video of shoot-down
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