No, No, a dozen times NO!!!!!!
This picture has been circulating around the internet (supposedly released by my man Hillarys' campaign). It has been dissected, doubted, and denounced by a bunch of folks more intellijent than me. Heck, when I saw it the first time, I thought it was photoshopped.

I don't care about this picture of Barack over in Somalia. Shoot, one of the funniest stories I ever heard was from a preacher from Little Rock talking about going on a "mission trip." He told the story of sitting down with villagers in Indonesia to eat. The big, round pot was filled with icky-looking green crud. He asked the American talking guy what it was in the pot. The American talking fellow told him, "It's frog...take the bread and dip...but don't dip deep."
It is "civil" to do as the Romans do when you are surrounded by Italians. Barack is no different than any of us that have found ourselves in an unfamiliar situation. We all do our best to be "civil," and enjoy the moment.
What concerns me more is a conversation I had last week with an elderly family member. She said, "You know Obama is a Muslim, and has already said that he won't take the oath of office on the has to be on the Ko-ran."
This is sad! This is the kind of crud that circulates on the internet. It has no truthful foundation. It is even more sad to me that this family member doesn't even have a computer, or any access to this kind of information...except for friends...
Now, anybody out there older than me, please don't take offense here. It is obvious that my elderly family member has some elderly friends that have internet access, and have decided that if it's on the computer, it must be true, and are passing this junk along by word of mouth. This is really sad!
There are a whole lot of reasons to reject Obama as the leader of the free world, but Islam is not one of them! Barack ain't a Muslim. Have you seen Michelle? No self-respecting follower of Mohamed would let his wife go out there with her legs showing, and running off at the mouth like she does.
I mean, if he is a Muslim, he's a pretty lame representative of their cause.
Barack is not a Muslim, he is a politician with political goals...that's just the simpleifical truth!
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