On Valentines Day, a life-long friend that I met in the 1st grade called me and asked if I would like to go with him to visit another boyhood friend of ours (Kevin) that had just undergone a liver transplant. It was a real honor to visit with him. I don't think I could stand up to what he has.
Kevins' story is truly miraculous. He was diagnosed a few months back with an extremely rare genetic liver disorder, and a liver transplant was his only hope to survive. I won't go into all the details, but trust me...he was close to knocking on Heavens' Gate a few times before his liver transplant.
The boy looks great. He is upbeat and positive about the future. He still has a teenage son at home, and a 20-year old brilliant daughter at Texas A&M, planning to go to medical school. He still has a lot to live for, and the fact that someone was an "organ donor" has given him the chance to finish up with getting the children "on their own."
I really think that's all that most of us fathers want out of life...just get the younguns on their own, and we're cool with whatever happens to us after that!
As I sat there in the living room visiting with Kevin, I was really overwhelmed by the power of God, the power of love, and the unbelievable advances in medicine over the last 40 or so years.
I am a "body donor." When I kick the bucket I am going straight to LSU Medical Center. Some young punk medical student will probably name me "Leroy," or "Arvis," as he slices up my old useless frame. But that young punk might learn something from my cadaverish self that will help a father (or mother) complete their goals.
I found this article on the computer
Some quotes: "A PRETTY 23-year-old girl killed in a car smash has given up to TWENTY people the chance of a new life.
Blonde graduate Clare Ekins was carrying an organ donor card when she died instantly in a head-on crash as she drove to work.
Because she was young, fit and healthy her tissues were ideal for transplants ? and her parents gave the go-ahead.
Caring Clare’s major organs ? such as her heart and lungs ? were distributed immediately. Tissues from other parts of her body will be kept for use in skin grafts for burns victims and for heart valve grafts."There are a zillion stories like Kevins' and Clares'...but I am hoping that there will be a zillion and one! I am encouraging you to become an organ and tissue donor. Please consider it. If you're not sure how to, go to this website: http://www.organdonor.gov/
Now, I can't leave this without letting my Libertarian self make another comment. The US should allow the sale of organs. I know that sounds crass and uncaring, but it is not at all. I will guarantee you that if there was a financial incentive, more thousands of people would get in the mix...and there would be more thousands of Kevins that survive to see their children into adulthood.
We Libertarians believe that our bodies belong to us, and we should be free to do with them whatever we wish (the Libertarian Party is pretty small...most folks have not learned the definition of liberty).
The reality that a father, or mother could leave their spouse and children with an extra $50,000 for a heart, or $25,000 for a kidney or liver (should they meet an early demise) can not be dismissed. (You know...none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, and I'd like to make the Mrs.', and the boys' tomorrow better if I'm not here...well come to think of it their tomorrow might be better regardless).
Please...sign up to be an organ and tissue donor. You won't need them when you take the dirt nap.
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