Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So, California has a crazy Governor from Austria that is determined to bankrupt the State. Michigan has a Canadian chick Governor that already has destroyed it. Here in Louisiana, we've got an Indian Governor (even though he was born in Baton Rouge)...the jury is still out on what he's gonna do. And, we've got a Kenyan President.

Man, folks come from all over the world to try to screw up the U.S., don't they?

But this Serbian Blagojevich guy takes the cake. Now, he was born here in the U.S., so I can't accuse him of intentionally coming over here to mess with us, but his Daddy should have stayed over there.

Two Dogs astutely noted that Blagojevich looks just like Janet Reno without the glasses. But he looks to me just like that guy from the Russian Mafia that lives out in Brighton Beach on Law & Order reruns. Well it seems that Jack McCoy Patrick Fitzgerald is gonna do his best to nail this old boy to the wall. I sure wish Fred Thompson was the Attorney General...he hates that Russian Mob guy, and there would be no mercy for sure.

Man, what a moron this Blagowhatshisname is! He's not just a moron, he has reached a point that is hard for me to understand.

We've all seen it. How does someone become so consumed with "self" that they believe their own dookie smells good? How does someone really convince themselves that they are smart enough to get away with matter how ridiculous and crooked it is. Selling a Senate seat? Now that's just plain ignorant! The indictment should include "Extreme Ignorance!"

Well, we'll see what BarackO's Justice Department does with this one. Bush's Justice Department has taken almost 4 years on (soon to be ex) Congressman William Jefferson, and he ain't even gone to trial yet. I think the guys that rolled over on Jefferson have already served their time!

I imagine that this Blagoguy is toast. The incoming President has destroyed everyone around him that might cause him trouble...even if they aren't crooks. This guy had better get ready for a long stay at the GrayBar Hotel.

Unless he knows stuff on Obama. Then he'd better buy some funeral insurance.


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