Friday, December 26, 2008


I had fun this morning. An old friend from High School that I had reconnected with at my 30th High School Reunion (yes, I did graduate high school) was coming to town to visit his family for Christmas (God bless the boy, he lives in the godforsaken cold country of Colorado where they don't even play good football), and we had made plans to get together if it worked out for him and me.

I called my best old friend from childhood & young adulthood (who lives very near me, and I hardly every visit fault, not his), and asked him if he'd like to meet up with us. I did that because he's real rich & always picks up the check. He said "Yep...I'll pay." That was music to my ears.

I've been suffering from the creeping crud throughout the holidays, and almost called to tell them I wouldn't make it. But I suffered on, and went to Darrell's Grill to meet them. I figured I'd "spread the love," and be sure to send my old friend back to Colorado with the special "holiday gift" of a miserable flu-like cold.

I'm glad I toughed it out. Us old guys sat there for an hour and half, talking about our kids, our wives, old friends, business, politics, old times, the worthless jackasses we grew up with that would love to be just like us right now, etc.

I felt completely rotten when I got there this morning. But when I walked out of Darrell's Grill, I felt like I had had a dose of medicine. I gotta get out more often...


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