Friday, December 26, 2008


Abraham Lincoln and BarackO' have less than zero in common. Any honest student of American history knows that Lincoln didn't much care for black folks. He felt them inferior to whites. He embraced the "colonization" ideals of sending black folks back to Africa, or to South America.

He came late to the table with the "abolitionist card" because the Union was ready to quit...and slavery seemed like a good way to keep the Union's head in the game.

Don't get me wrong...I ain't agreeing with old "honest abe," but facts are stubborn things.

The very idea that using Lincoln's Bible to swear Oprampha into the US Presidency is somehow "unifying" is utterly ridiculous. Yea BarackO'...pick the Bible of a real "unifier" that only killed about a million men, destroyed two generations of Americans, and set the progress of North America (and consequently the world) back about 50 years! Good choice sure and model your administration after his...

But when I saw this video from MSNBC (excuse me while I throw up) of Joseph Lowery being interviewed, I must admit that I was disappointed. I always had a lot of respect for Lowery. Heck, I don't know...maybe he's got the Barry Goldwater senility thing going on, and Obama decided to exploit him, too. It wouldn't surprise me.


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