During the Presidential campaign the old guard civil rights leaders raised the question, "Is Barack Obama really black enough to be called black?" There were even some that said because he didn't have "slave blood," he didn't really qualify, etc... You remember all that stuff.
But now a new question may have to be answered. "Is Anh 'Joseph' Cao" black enough to join the Congressional Black Caucus?" The answer is "of course not." The Hill is reporting that newly elected Congressman Cao (R) Louisiana, a Vietnamese immigrant, has expressed an interest in joining the CBC.
This is gonna be fun.
A more proper question might be, "Is Cao's District 'black enough' to be represented in the Congressional Black Caucus?"
Cao has expressed interest in joining up because two-thirds of his District (formerly represented by the angelic William Jefferson) is black. Now, I think this is a pretty smart move on his part. If the guy is serious about representing the "people" of his District, then the CBC would be the party to attend.
Cao has already been invited to join the Asian Caucus (wouldn't you like to see the average IQ of that bunch) , but his District is only 3% Asian. That would be like Barney Frank joining the blue dogs. Cao would be smart to pursue this. If he gets in (I wonder if they have some secret meeting like the Lodge on Andy Griffith where somebody can black-ball you) he may be able to sprinkle a little conservative logic about how to advance the black community.
If he doesn't gain membership, well, he will just once again expose black democrats for what they are. Exclusionary racists that care more about color than having their own people adequately represented.
I guess he could start a Vietnamese Caucus. Their budget would be pretty low. They could meet any time they wanted to. I'll bet there wouldn't be many arguments.
The incoming Chairman of the CBC is Rep. Barbara Lee (D) California. Good God Anh...are you sure you want to do this?
Oh man, I don't care if he ever accomplishes anything. If that is his wife and daughter, they are seriously the best looking family that I have seen in politics in my lifetime. That little girl is a heartbreaker.