Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am posting this in honor of a fellow blogger who is an Architect, and designs multi-million dollar homes and buildings, is in high demand, extremely wealthy, and a pretty funny guy. I came across these celebrity home pictures on the world wide computer. I thought y'all might like to see how the rich folks live.

Eddie Murphy (Comedian, Actor)

Opie Winfrey (Not a comedian, but "funny" nonetheless...not funny "ha ha," just "funny odd.")

Arnold & Maria Shriver (Actor, Governor, henpecked husband, and his former newscaster boss lady)

Jerry Seinfeld (Comedian, Actor)

Sylvester Stallone (Actor, Producer/Director, Rocky, Rambo...not funny at all, but don't mention it to him if you know what's good for you.)

John Travolta (Actor, Producer...and obviously a pilot)

O.J. Simpson

Heck, I think I could design that last one, and I ain't even an Architect!


  1. Not to be the one to burst your bubble, kind linking sir, but the very last residence shown is by far the hardest design to meet code compliance. There are so many regulations from so many different unconstitutional government agencies and lawyer groups, the main prison designers/architects have almost completely stopped accepting their best, most profitable projects. Folks designing the prisons today have no clue what they are doing.

    I blame Barry Obama and his philosophical brethren. But, then again, I blame them for everything anyway.

    I like Travolta's house, it looks like a glue factory.

  2. TD: You did not bust my bubble at all. "Glue Factory?" I didn't see a sign of a horse anywhere in that photo. But I blame Bush...he is guilty of everything... ;)

    So, I'm assuming that you shy away from Gubmit projects for holding prisoners (either Section-8 welfare folks, or Pens holding their former, or future residents).

    I have never taken an Architecture class, or a sociology class...but I bet I could design a really good prison. By contrast to what I would design, the last picture would resemble a suite at the Ritz Carlton.

  3. Andy, believe or not, I have a hard time dealing with committees of any kind. That is a necessary process for getting the projects like prisons and schools, too. I am currently involved with the review of Hurricane Katrina fed money for apartment construction, and I can say without any reservations, government financed "affordable housing" is anything but. I have some photos on my blog of those Section 8 apartments with all appliances furnished including washer and dryer, as well as waterfalls in the swimming pools that are located right next to the beach volleyball courts. The only missing thing is the spa with masseuses and mud baths. And Covered PARKING at a poor folks apartment complex is ASININE! On what PLANET do "poor" folks drive Escalades?

    In the past, I worked for an architecture firm that built plenty of prisons, including the first private one in the country and the last project that I worked on prior to becoming self-employed was a penal farm. But, the political wrangling with morons is more than I can abide. Government involvement makes for bad buildings.

    I am positively certain, that without government restrictions, you could design and construct what in essence is the perfect prison because you understand the PURPOSE, you have sons. Negative reinforcement always works.

  4. TD: Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk: "I am positively certain, that without government restrictions, you could design and construct what in essence is the perfect prison because you understand the PURPOSE, you have sons. Negative reinforcement always works."

    Yep! Understanding the PURPOSE is 90% of the success of a mission. Then the other 10% ain't even like work at all!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?