Friday, March 6, 2009

I LOVE THE MRS., BUT...(#89)

...sometimes she can be a real wiseacre.

So, it is 82 degrees in NW Louisiana today (Thank you, merciful Lord Jesus). The Sun is shining, and a pleasant breeze is blowing.

Now, about mid-March I normally return to my normal self. The cut-offs go on...the shoes, socks, and shirt come off...and I return to my normal, lightly-clad self. So, I was all over it! My poor old almost 50-year-old skin has not seen the light of day since last, it felt good.

The Mrs. was out back pulling weeds from one of the flowerbeds, and I walked out there in all my glorious, shirtless, and smiling. The sunshine, and breeze made me feel younger than Springtime. This is about how it went:

Me: Wow, it's beautiful this afternoon.

The Mrs. : Yeah, the weeds like it just as much as you do.

Me: Girl, this is what we've been waiting for.

The Mrs. : (as she turns to look at me) Andy, you look good.

Me: Thanks Sweetheart!

The Mrs. : In fact Baby, you look like a rock star!

Me: Wow...thanks Honey!

The Mrs. : Edgar Winter!


1 comment:

  1. So, I'm guessing you're six feet five inches tall, one hundred thirty pounds, tattoos on top of tattoos, and an albino with a white skullet.

    Thanks Mrs. Andy, that is a dang funny picture.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?