Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, The Mrs. had to run out to WalMart today to pick up some 78 cent sodas, some dog food for Sadie, and some fresh basil for her world famous ravioli that she's cooking for dinner tonight.

When she got back home she told me that Billy was at WalMart.

Now, if y'all don't know who Billy is...Billy is a local celebrity. And maybe even a US-wide celebrity! Billy is a really sharp, heavy metal-looking, opportunistic, Big-Truck driving redneck! His family is much more redneck than he is though (you oughta see his Momma)...this guy is sharp!!!

The first time I ever met Billy came by accident. I walked out in the back yard to feed Sadie one morning, and I saw camera crews all over the place at the old broken-down house behind me. I figured that it was local news crews, and somebody had got shot...but I was wrong! It seems that a bunch of black folks had decided to turn an old broken down house behind me into a church. Good for them!

Well, after some investigation, I discovered that the camera crews were out there filming an episode of "Dirty Jobs" for the Discovery Channel. The black folks had hired VeXcon to come and repair all of the termite damage underneath the old broken down house, and the Discovery Channel program "Dirty Jobs" had come to film it.

Evidently, Billy made a good impression on the A&E folks while he was doing his dirty job filming a termite killing for the Discovery Channel. So they decided to make a whole series of programs about what it's like to deal with critters.

If you look at A&E, you may have seen the program entitled "The Exterminators." This is a television program that airs on A&E about Billy's company, VEXCON, ( located in Benton, LA) just 12 miles north of us that makes their life's work by killing, or "relocating" critters.

Anyway, The Mrs. was at WalMart, and was trying to pay for our cheap sodas & fresh basil...and Billy was in the next aisle trying to pay for his stuff.

According to The Mrs., he was completely surrounded by shoppers wanting autographs...and the little black check-out gal (the one I really like at WalMart) had called a friend of hers on her cell phone and handed it to Billy...and Billy was talking to her friend on her cell phone, saying, "Yes, this is ME! This really is Billy...well, it's nice to talk to you, too..."

It must be tough...being a big fish in a little pond.

The Mrs. said that Billy took it all in stride, and seemed to be just as calm in person as he is on TV.

I'll bet he'd rather deal with deadly critters than folks. You can kill a critter, and nobody but the PETArds will complain...

1 comment:

Don't cuss nobody out, okay?