Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hi y'all! I can't seem to catch a break to do important things like posting stuff on this hugely important blog...

I'll swear, we are (let me get my word book...) inundated with orders. I have been getting phone calls, and computer orders from folks we haven't heard from in years. And even our regular customers are ordering MORE than usual. It's probably because Obama is President now, and everybody is more optimistic, due to the fact that the uh...uh...uh...idiot W is back in Texas awaiting the brown-shirts to come lead him away to stand trial in some "new world order court" that his Daddy got started due to the fact that he is a globalist, just like BozObama.

Anyway, I don't know if I'm "washing, or hanging out." So my boss, (The Mrs.) is driving me like a Granny in a '68 Buick with cataracts! I love The Mrs., but her whip-cracking has just about given me a full-blown case of the reds!!! I decided to not whack her across the face, seeing as we get our 30th anniversary next week, and I don't want to go to dinner with a damaged chick. (actually, she is gone to WalMart, so she won't know I'm not working)

So, just as a little release...some good news locally, something funny, something weird, and something maybe even weirder...

Good news locally...

Well, it seems that the US Air Force has made it's decision to headquarter the Global Strike Command here at Barksdale Air Force Base. I can not think of a better place! This is going to create many new higher-tech jobs here in my hometown...I hope the Air Force heroes that get stationed here enjoy living here as much as I do.

The US Air Force still is dragging it's feet on the location of the new Cybercommand HQ...but my vote goes to Barksdale AFB. We've got Air Force folks here that already know about computers, and are already building the buildings for them...hope we didn't count our chickens before they hatched! My water bill went way up to build this deal!

Something funny...

Bart sent me a computer letter on how to relieve constipation:


Whenever you feel constipated, repeat the following mantra three times in succession....

"My financial and personal well being are now in the hands of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Tim Geithner, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emmanual, Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd."

If that doesn't scare the crap out of you now you're destined to be full of it the rest of your life!

Something weird...

Probably the weirdest picture I have seen on the World-Wide-Computer in a while came from a blog called "Caption This."

I captioned it, "Arkansas National Guard Installs New Commander!"

Maybe weirder...

Now, y'all that know me well, know that I am an avowed vegetarian for the last 20 plus years. But I ain't one of those nut-job PETArds. I believe that if folks want to eat hogs and yard-birds, and's up to them. But when I saw this, I just had to put it up on the computer.

The ancient PETArd Cloris Leachman has posed for a PETArded ad. Here she is, clothed in red cabbage (don't worry, this is not a gag alert...the old chick actually looks pretty good dressed up in coleslaw makings). I think Cloris was Miss America or something back when Teddy Roosevelt was President. She's held up real good...kinda like all us vegetarians.

I'll see y'all later. The Mrs. is pulling up in the driveway...


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