Friday, April 3, 2009

GEORGE LUCAS ANNOUNCES... "Clay Aiken to star in Star Wars VII" !!!

Stolen from Caption This!


  1. I am genuinely afraid to ask, "Who exactly is Clay Aiken?"

  2. Two Dogs, I am taking you I will answer.

    Clay Aiken was the really skinny dude on American Idol many years ago that became famous. He came from the closet about 4 years ago.

    Maybe I chose too obscure a pansy. (sigh)

  3. Now that you mention it, I actually think that I posted something on the flouncing from the closet performed by this dude. I've never seen that American Idol program, so my knowledge of those folks is not up to the American standard.

    If you wanted to use a less than manly man example that I would know, try Archie Manning or any of his demon spawn.

  4. Yeah Two Dogs, I figured that you and Clay had crossed paths somewhere on the world wide computer.

    I have never seen an episode of the American Idol myself, but The Mrs. explained to me that Clay had beat out this REALLY BIG BLACK GUY that she liked alot (don't even start) named Ruben...and it turned out that Aiken was a fag.

    Who knew? I think I woulda...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?