Man, it has been a beautiful day here in NW Louisiana. I hated to mess it up by looking at the news, but okay...I'm pathetic. I had heard about Hillary's big gaffe with the Russians, but I just had to hee haw when I read this article.
I was reading the article to The Mrs., and she said, "why didn't they just call Condoleeza for advice? She is fluent in Russian you know." I said, "They didn't call Condoleeza because she's more than half black, so she can't be trusted. Democrats don't trust real black folks." I wonder why Hillary's brilliant State Department didn't just call up one of the hundreds of Russian Linguists in the employ of the military, or the State Department Linguists before they reinforced the fact that she is an ugly old Dufus!
I watched some of Hillary's speech to the Europeans, and I'll swear...that gal is aging fast! She looked real good during the campaign...almost human...but man, she looks more and more like Madeleine Albright as each day passes.
The whole "button" gift was doomed to fail from the start. When an ugly old hag Dufus like Hillary takes an idea from the imbecile Joe Biden (the "reset button" statement he made) and runs with it...
...you are headed for a moronic diplomatic disaster. But who really cares? No "gift" is gonna change Russia's plans. They hate US (and they really hate Israel)...always have...always will. Hillary could have written "We love you...we're evolving into a nation of commies...please don't use this to nuke us," and it would not change one thing.
That poor old Illinois two-bagger could have just written out "RESET" in English. The Ruskies can read American. Jeepers...what a Dufus!
Car trouble - It is 80 plus degrees, and the sun is shining. I have been pining for warm/hot weather for
Girl Scout Cookies...I am old! - My sweet little future daughter-in-law (I just love her) was over here this afternoon doing her laundry. She is the cutest, and sweetest little gal you'd ever run across. We were visiting, and she said, "I went online, and found out that The Girl Scouts don't sell cookies online. I am almost dying for some Girl Scout Cookies!"
Now, "online" is the last place I would have thought to look to buy Girl Scout Cookies. I'm old! I don't know exactly which flavor she wanted, but I told her that the Girl Scouts were selling them out in front of Super 1 Foods when I was there about an hour before. Oooohhh...I went to Super One because they had a big old honkin' 15 pound bag of potatoes on sale for four bucks. Plus, I needed some Panko Bread Crumbs for a recipe I'm gonna try. It is the Red Lobster Restaurant recipe for Parmesean Talapia...I ate it there once, and I'll swear it is like a preview of Heaven. I had the Talapia filets, and everything else...but Wal-Mart does not yet sell Panko Bread Crumbs. I'm gonna cook it tomorrow (with baked potatoes)...I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Anyway, she shot out of here like a "bat from the bad place" to go get her some Girl Scout Cookies. But before she left, she asked me, "Do you want some Girl Scout Cookies?" I really wanted some when I was at Super One, but I didn't have any cash on me. So, I pulled four dollars out of The Mrs.' purse and told her, "Yeah, get me a box of Do-Si-Dos if they've got 'em.
So, I am out front checking one of the 17 different fuses that protect the blower motor on my Mercury Sable (dang...for the good old days when the fan had one fuse), and here she comes pulling up! "Got your Cookies!" I thanked her, and asked her if she got the ones she was looking for. "Oh Yeah...........!" (Looking at the gal you'd never believe that she ever ate one cookie in her life...I'll swear, I don't know what she sees in my son! I can't piece together one reason that she might love him. But truth is stranger than fiction)
The Girl Scouts Need Some Marketing Help! - So, I got my Do-Si-Dos, and I just busted out laughing! The Girl Scouts cookie people have put a picture of Steve Erkel & Hillary Clinton on their Do-Si-Dos.
A real turnoff if you ask me...

Tell me that ain't Steve...

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