Tuesday, April 7, 2009


...Man, I was some nervous!

If I had known what the next 30 years held in store, I wouldn't have been nearly so jumpy.

On our 29th anniversary, I posted this sappy tribute to my wife, so I'm not doing that again this year. You can go back and read it if you want to know why I love her so much.

It was a big wedding. I think we had about 300 people there...but I don't remember much about who was our wasn't there. My eyes and my mind were fixed on one particular brunette.

It was in a church and everything!
(hey, click on it see it real big...that skinny dude standing next to me is Bart...ha)

I had slimmed down to about a 35" waist since I knew I was getting married and all, and didn't want to embarrass The future Mrs. That 35" waist thing didn't last long though...sigh...

(bitchin' tux, huh?)

Girl...let's get to that hotel quick!!!

See, it's legal...she signed it!

Texarkana here we come!

What a day...Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!


  1. What amazes me is how happy Pam looks!

    Just kidding. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Dadman: Nyuk nyuk! She WAS happy my friend...a mystery, I know. I didn't say that if "she had known how the next 30 years would go she wouldn't be jumpy."

    Thanks for the good wishes.

  3. Congratulations, to you and your beautiful lady, Andy.

  4. 'preciate it Patrick! I'm headed out to dinner at Ralph & Kacoo's (great seafood) with the cutest little brunette on God's green earth.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?