It's a conspiracy I tell ya'...A STINKIN' CONSPIRACY!!!
I had told y'all about my Rubbermaid Storage Container Patio Tomato Experiment. The experiment is designed to keep The Mrs.' tomatoes safe from attack by squirrels.
So, once again, here they

Well, Al Gore hates me. Obviously he read about my experiment and went about hatching an evil plot to discourage me. Al called off "global warming" just long enough to direct a 50 degree temperature drop here in NW Louisiana over a 36 hour period.
So, we had "freeze warnings" out last night. Therefore, I hauled those big old 300 pound Rubbermaids back to the shop to keep Al from killing them. I was not gonna let that dufus beat me! So, grinning from ear to ear, I went to the shop this morning (with my aching back) to move 'em back on the patio.
This is what I found...

That little thing on the left is not a green stick. It is a Roma Tomato plant after being assaulted by Al's Squirrel Brigade. There's a small hole in the masonite on my shop. I guess they are some dedicated little in and stripped it clean dangit!
My Early Girls didn't fare much better. I've got to replace three of 'em. You'll notice that the vine on the right was not stripped. That is a BHN 640 hybrid (I had never heard of that, but The Mrs. thought she'd give it a try). So, I was thinking that I'd just replace them all with a hybrid (You see don't ya'? Al tried to depress me into buying a hybrid)...but a Gooble search tells me that the taste is just "so so." (Kinda like hybrid cars) So, The Mrs. went to the Tomato Vine place unsure of what to get...
But she'll figure it out. She is just as determined as me to beat Al & his evil squirrely minions. I'll outlast can bet your bottom dollar! It's gonna eventually get so hot that even the climate wizard can't mess me over! He can bite me...I'm winning this one!!!...even if I have to violate city laws and pull out the 12 gauge...
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