Monday, April 6, 2009


Many of the three of you that visit this blog will remember Howard Clark. Howard was one dadgummed heck of a radio guy!!! Back in my high school days, Howard was the evening cat at KEEL in Shreveport that kept the cars heated up with his incredible voice, and his amazing ability to take requests from horny kids while weaving it all together with the best Top 40 hits of the week.

Howard "Hired" Clark died yesterday at the age of 70.

Now, this is a good picture of Howard in 1979. His hair is short. The first time I met Howard, it was kinda like this...

I had a buddy when I was a Junior in High School, named Clay Clark (no relation). He was a year older than me...a Senior, so it was cool to hang out with him. Clay had one of those voices that you would kill somebody for. He was 17, and sounded 40. Clay got a job doing the "way, way, way late record spinning" at KEEL, 710 AM (the top 40 radio station here in those's all 'talk' it might still be the top station here...I'm not sure). I lost touch with Clay after he graduated. I know that his great goal in life was to DJ on WLS in Chicago. I don't know if he pursued his radio dreams or not...reckon I could do a Gooble search and find out though!

I had always wanted to be on the radio, but I have a voice as scratchy as an old 78 that somebody used to clean their golf spikes. But I did manage to wrangle a job writing commercials. It was just contract work (I think ten bucks per)...but Clay would let me hang out with him at the studio down on Spring Street.

One Saturday night in 1975 I didn't have a date (I know it's hard to believe), so I went with Clay to experience the magic of backing up turntables to just the right spot on the vinyl, fielding requests from horny kids, and drowning my sorrows from having a terrible voice and no date.

So, out from the studio walks this tall, skinny, pony-tailed guy that resembled George Carlin, with something hanging on his shoulder. Clay says, "Hi Howard!" Howard says, "Hi Clay." And then Howard (or as he called himself sometimes, "Humble Howard Clark") looks at me...looks at Clay, and asks him, "Who's the fat kid?"

Clay doesn't bat an eye..."This is Andy Reeves...he's just along for the ride tonight because I feel sorry for him." Humble Howard Clark flashes a big smile, and walks out.

I just had to laugh out loud!!! So, I asked my buddy Clay what that was on Howard Clark's shoulder. He said, "It's a purse. Guys carry purses now. It's a big deal on the west coast...haven't you heard about it?"

I had to ignorantly admit that I had not heard about men carrying purses (all the while thinking that Howard must be a homo)...but I found out later on that it was a big deal on the west coast. And it ain't a real bad idea either. There have been times that I wish I had a purse to carry a bunch of junk I really might need...but I regress.

Howard "made the rounds" in these United States, but settled here in Shreveport. I heard him a few years back DJ-ing on the "oldies station" here in town. It's hard to believe that he was in his late 60's at that time. He sounded 35. I'll always have fond memories of Howard's broadcasts...good hot summer nights, and a friend to you when you were lonely and the night was cold.


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