Sunday, April 5, 2009


Ya' know, for a guy who prides himself on being active, energetic, neat, orderly, and clean...I am one big fat worthless filthy hog!

I spent all Saturday afternoon cleaning out, and straightening up my garage. The plan was to do a complete clean-up on the garage, storage room, and my shop. But some useless human had let the garage get SO BAD that I threw in the towel after the garage. I'll catch the rest later this afternoon, I reckon.

Man, it is beautiful here in NW Louisiana. I have told y'all before that The Mrs. has two green thumbs! That gal has the most beautiful flowerbeds, bush beds, and vegetable garden you'd ever see. Spring has sure enough sprung.

We're still eating lettuce, carrots, and beets from her winter garden. (Actually, I don't eat the beets. They turn your poop red, and I'm always afraid I've developed bloody bowels or something).

She's ready to plant her garden. My great grandmother, and my Papaw taught her to plant on Good it's time to pull out the tiller I reckon. I'll swear, in a small space, that gal grows enough peppers, yellow squash, zucchini, and cucumbers to feed everybody! And she grows enough okra to clean out every colon in Bossier Parish. But she has had absolutely zero success with tomatoes. The few that do set get stolen by the stinkin' squirrels.

So, I decided I am gonna try growing tomatoes on the patio where Sadie can keep the squirrels chased off! Now, I looked into growing 'em upside down, but that just looks too ignorant! And everybody else grows 'em in five gallon buckets...anybody can do that. So, I decided I'm gonna experiment with growing tomatoes in Rubbermaid storage containers. (Actually, I didn't have any five gallon buckets, but figured Rubbermaid storage containers will hold soil & water, too.) I got 'em planted yesterday...I'll tell y'all how it works out.

Just a couple of computer pictures of The Mrs. flowers, and I'm outa' here...

Y'all have a blessed Sunday. Enjoy the day...Monday's gonna be here pretty quick. And oh yeah before I go...IF YOU DON'T HAVE A GUN, GO GET ONE TODAY, AND GO BUY AMMO THIS AFTERNOON BEFORE CONGRESS PASSES A GUN SEIZURE LAW ON MONDAY. It just took one chimpanzee attack for Congress to ban them...and with all these mass shootings last week...the knee-JERKS will be on the warpath.

Roses and Blue Iris


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