Saturday, April 4, 2009


...take a look at how to enjoy your golden years.

PeaGreen sent me a computer letter concerning the great Les Paul. I'll swear, I have tried about four times to teach myself the guitar... I bought the Roy Clark Big Note Song Book, the Johny Paycheck instructional book, and several other guitar teaching aids...I just never could quite get it right.

My oldest son (now 28 years old) picked up an acoustic guitar when he was about 7 years old. He messed with it for a few minutes, and then played the theme song from "Dr. Zhivago" that he had heard a few days before on Momma's stereo. (I just hate him). He is one of those not so much musically challenged people that I just hate to hate. I have spent too many hours trying to learn to play the guitar, the piano (The Mrs. can play our piano like crazy. But she doesn't...heck, if I could play like she can, I'd sit there on the bench and do it all day)!!! It's hard for a wannabe to listen to a "can."

So, while I was looking at this computer letter from PeaGreen, I discovered a great video on YouTube that shows Les Paul performing in his older years. If you like guitar work, or old folks you'll like it. This should all remind us that no matter if we somehow get to be as old as Les Paul...or even as old as PeaGreen...we need to keep doing what we like until the Good Lord assigns us to a dirt nap.

Heck, it's Saturday!!!! I'm fed up with politics! I love old folks, and envy talented old folks. Well, here ya' go...


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