Thursday, April 30, 2009


I rag on my native Louisiana a lot, as you know. But Louisianians can be the most generous, decent, patriotic, and kind people in these United States. And often the citizens of my state make me just button-popping proud!

I have been meaning to tell y'all about this for a good while, but it slips my mind. A couple of years ago, T.D. Smith, a broadcaster out of Lafayette, LA decided to do something to honor our remaining living World War II Veterans. We are losing thousands and thousands every year, and he wanted to find a way to say "Thank You!"

He established Louisiana Honor Air. The organization arranges flights from cities around Louisiana to Washington DC. On each flight, about 100 WWII Veterans are taken on a tour of their WWII Memorial, Arlington, Korean War Memorial, and a few other sites...all at NO CHARGE to the vet.

For their day trip, they are treated as the heroes that they are. The last group I saw on the local news was greeted by fellow WWII hero, Bob Dole. There is always great fanfare, and at least one dignitary there to show love and respect to the old guys (and gals).

I can not post the video on this blog, so you will have to follow this link to WWL-TV's web-site to watch it. If you have eight minutes to spare, and want to see some heroes...some love...some respect...and what it looks like when Louisianians get in gear...well, take the time to watch the video. I promise you won't be sorry! It is quite moving. UPDATE: In the comments, Staci reminded me that I should issue a "Kleenex Alert" if you watch the video. Consider yourself alerted.

I don't know if this is done in any other State or not. But if not, it should be.


  1. God bless them, and God bless you for posting this. You have made my day!

    I should have had some tissue handy because it made me bawl like a baby.

  2. Thanks Staci. Yes, it is a tear-jerker. Wish every one of them could take the trip.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?