Thursday, April 23, 2009


Thank God we still have Kennedys in Congress!

I never watch C-SPAN...but I was flipping around the TV looking for Law & Order reruns, and I hit C-SPAN. It just so happens that Representative Patrick Kennedy (yeah, one of those Kennedys) was questioning Attorney General Eric Holder today.

There is not a video of it on YouTube yet. So, you might have to do a little work, but go to this page. There you will find C-SPAN's video coverage of the hearings. You will have to fast forward to 1 hour, 52 minutes to pick up on Patrick's Kennedy-esque performance.

He touches on rape, drugs, and juvenile crime and punishment...all things that Kennedys are familiar with...

The hearings took place today before 5 pm...looks like Happy Hour came early...


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