Friday, April 10, 2009


Man, I didn't realize how close we were to total destruction. I had to go to WalMart, and discovered that two blocks from my house the utility poles are snapped one after the next.

Houses are crushed under huge felled pecan trees, roofs blown away, and a commercial building or two just simply no longer there. I hear that railroad cars are tipped over down by the West Gate of Barksdale Air Force Base...about a half mile from me. It's nothing like the damage of the big'un 30 years ago...but it ain't pretty.

Whew...again I say, WHEW!

I know it ain't because I'm livin' right...but The Mrs. is, and I stay right close to her!


  1. Thanks was a booger for sure! We've been cleaning up, wiping out, tearing down, and getting ready for the next one!

    Appreciate the good thoughts!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?