Friday, April 10, 2009


Whew! Last night we were prepared for bad weather. So instead of going to bed at my normal 9 or so, I stayed up to watch the weather. Sure enough sometime after 10, the weather dude says, "tornado in downtown Shreveport headed straight east."

There were only 3 of us home last night, so to the hallway...shut all the doors...pillows over heads...power goes out...

Now I await the sound of a freight train. Sure sounded like a freight train. Oh wait, that's the Union Pacific on Barksdale Blvd...never mind.

Then the wind, and the hail, and more wind, and heavy rain, and more wind. Then just black, dark silence. Whew!

The power came back on about 6:30 this morning. The daylight reveals that the 16' long aluminum cover on my side porch is completely demolished. I've got shingles everywhere, but interestingly, they're not the color of my roof! My yard is full the possessions of other folks. News reports this morning say that the tornado ( least a very high wind event) came right straight down Barksdale Blvd, which I live 3 houses away from. There is bad damage around town, but no deaths thank God.

Man, I've got a zillion things to do today. I'm really dreading messing with the insurance agent, this side porch cover has got to come's about halfway loose from the house, and really dangerous. My son, me, and the guy that owns his house have to finish up the big hole under his house and fix the bathtub drain.

Man, what a chore this day is gonna be!

Oh well...a man I really admire had a pretty tough day once. Y'all have a Good Friday!


  1. Dang, dude, that mean ol' George Bush is attacking East Texas with his weather machine now?

  2. Hey man!

    Glad your house is still there and all are safe. Be sure to take some pictures before you tear the porch roof down...just a little proof that it was damaged.

  3. Two Dogs, the man is pure evil for sure!

    Thanks Walt. I talked to my agent early, took some pictures, and had one awning guy here this morning. Gonna get another couple of prices. A roofer lives across the street, so he'll get the shingles replaced today I hope.

    Good news though! The plumbing job got called off for today. The guy that owns the house works for the phone company, and got called in at 2:30 this morning.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?