Thursday, April 9, 2009

WHEN ARE Y'ALL GONNA LEARN... stop believing your own eyes?

Look, y'all may as well get used to the fact that what you see has no relevance to what actually happened...if President Obama says so!

Much has been made of the bow-down by Obama to the Dictator King of Saudi Arabia at the Gee-Whiz 20 summit. Now, I don't know if it's really as big a deal as many are trying to make of it. Stupid, I guess, but no deal-breaker like one of his terrible economic, or social policies.

But now we know for certain that Obama did not bow to the King. Nope, according to White House spokesmen, he was just bending down, grabbing the old guy's hand with both of his hands, and since he's so much taller than the dude it just looked like a bow. Well, there ya' go!

What I'm wondering is who is Obama not taller than? I know he's taller than Angela Merkel of Germany, and I'm pretty sure he's taller than the Jap. I'm wondering why he didn't bend down to shake hands with all of 'em! Well, it don't matter one bit! Obama says he didn't, so that settles it with me!!!

This video shows the non-bowing handshake between the two leaders. It's at about 54 seconds in. The Saudi King is the dude with the towel on his head, and Obama is the tall black guy. The video is in some other language that's aggravating to listen to, so turn your speakers are warned.


  1. The real explanation is that the king's pants were unzipped and Barry zipped them up for the king with HIS TEETH!

  2. Just spewed Diet Sam's Cola TD. I knew you'd have the absolute facks on this deal! ;)

  3. Obama, the President of the United States and leader of the free world, bows to a Saudi King who represents a despotic regime noted for its’ human rights violations, a birthplace of terrorists, a symbol of everything that is an antithesis to our system of government, and it’s no big deal?

    I consider myself fortunate to have been born in a republic. I appreciate that as a citizen of a republic, I need not bow to any man or woman. We are all created equal, and blood lines do not make one person superior. This gesture by Obama should rankle every citizen for when Obama bowed as President of the United States, we all bowed.

    He did bow, see the video from the latest angle:


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?