Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It has been a glorious, warm, sunny afternoon here in NW Louisiana. These are the kind of days you live for.

Only one was spoiled by the need to dig a tunnel under my son's house. There is a blockage that plumbers can not clear in the bathtub drain...they wanted to pull the bathtub out, break out the beautiful old tile, tear up half the house, and fix it from above.

The wonderful man that owns the house and rents it to him said, " way! We will tunnel under the house, dig out the dirt, and fix it from underneath." I was in total agreement, along with my son.

So, my son and I have been working at digging a hole...a big hole...a really big hole. (Well, mostly he has been working, and I've been observing...but I'm old and have arthritis). I'll swear, if you put a challenge ahead of that young man, he will wear you out just watching him. And he goes so hard at everything that it makes you want to join in on the work (even if you are an old fart with arthritis...and a bad back...and in need of psychological counseling).

So, we he just got finished with all he could do until the wonderful man that owns the house comes by to give more directions. I just love that boy...If I'd have been half as tenacious at his age, I'd be a rich man today.

But heh! Money ain't everything, huh?


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