Look familiar?

My 12 year old son is in the Rusheon
Junior High Middle School Band, and we went to the year end concert last night. Man, does it bring back memories when I go back to that place! I sat there in the gym, and could almost see Bart hit a jump shot against Green Acres, or hear Coach McKeller chewing out the slow-pokes (like me), and hear the 1972 version of The Ram Band playing the fight song (they had one heckuva first chair cornet player...who will remain nameless. Okay, it was me).

As the choir performed...a 7th grade young lady performed a solo. At the risk of sounding ugly, she was not the cutest girl in choir. But when she sang, it was as pretty and sweet as I've ever heard...it was one of those moments like with the old British gal on YouTube.
I cried. I sat there with tears streaming down my face, and completely unashamed about it. It wasn't just the song...it was the memories too, I guess.
I cry a lot these days...
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