Friday, May 29, 2009


Well, it seems that a boy from Iraq, living now in Sweden has solved the puzzle of the Bernoulli numbers.

Heck, I coulda did that! Everybody knows I'm a stinkin' genius when it comes to quizzes & scrabble & how things fit together.

When I read this article, Iraq-born teen cracks maths puzzle, I was impressed! I mean, 16 years old is pretty young to be figuring out something that great minds have been working on for centuries (that's hundreds of years...just in case you don't know).

I think the reason I didn't take it on myself is because I had never heard of it. So, I looked up the quandary on the world wide computer, and this is what Mr. Wiki has to say about Bernoullis numbers.

Heck, by the time I got down to the pictures at the bottom of the page, they were starting to write in opposed to the top part where they were writing in Greek.

I don't know if this is another one of those hoaxes like the fellow that claimed he had cloned humans, or that Dell will send you a free laptop computer if you send an e-mail to 10 friends, or that Jesus will miraculously appear on a bridge in the photo if you send the e-mail to 7 friends...but we'd better keep a sharp eye on this Iraqi/Sweden boy. He might finally figure out how to package up stuff in plastic so that it doesn't take a chain saw to open the junk.


  1. Dang boy, that is some kinda mathing right there.

    I liked that the kid said he was gonna hang back in school to get better at his English, though.

    Wonder why?

  2. Two Dogs, I hate to show off and make others feel inferior, but it ain't "mathing." It's "ciphering."

    Yeah, The Mrs. and I were talking about this today at lunch and she made the same observation about him wanting to focus on other junk now, like English, and expand his knowledge of the world. She said, "He's not going to lose that math genius while he becomes more well rounded. He's a smart young man." (she talks really good, with well English)

    But I think I know where you're going with your question about "wonder why?"

    I bet he wants to dethrone the Indians from the spelling bee.

  3. The strange thing about mathematicians is that everyone says that you do your best "ciphering" at younger ages, so......

    Those dang Red Dot Indians and their spelling bees. RACISTS!

  4. Nyuk TD! I have a really funny story that shows my ignorance about red-dot Indians when I was a teenager. I think I'll just do a post about it...

    And I'm sure that ciphering is easier when you are a youngun. I actually could solve algebraic equations, was a whiz at geometry, and could understand SOME basic calculus junk way back then. I could even use a slide rule (no brag, just fact).

    Now I got me a fancy calculator, and all I need to know is pluses and minuses...and the occasional guzinta.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?