Our house was built in 1948. It is a nice old house...pretty wood floors, large bedrooms, etc. But it had been a rent house for many years before we bought it, and was in bad repair. We knew that there was a patio on the side, because you could see it from the front yard.
But truthfully, it was completely unusable...even inaccessible. From the back yard you could barely get to it due to several fig trees that had spread out (as fig trees are wont to do). So, about 7 or 8 years ago, we decided to reclaim it as a patio.
After digging out the fig trees to gain access, this is what we find.

You will also see a 4' chain link fence on the outside of the old brick wall. This was a problem always. Our old black lab Midnight (the smartest, most territorial canine that ever lived) would jump up on that brick wall, and scare the living beejeebers out of anyone that came close to the fence. I mean, the meter readers were scared spitless...and with good reason. She could easily clear that fence...she never did though...like I said, territorial.
Midnight must have been an anti-religious racist. Because she would come unglued if ANY BLACK PERSON walked down the street. And the only people she hated worse than black folks were Jehovah's Witnesses.
And I'll tell ya', a black Jehovah's Witness did not stand a chance. But I digress.
So, the first thing I did was put some stepping stones down to stay out of the mud...looking better already.

But everything was in really bad shape.

See the stones Two Dogs?

You may be able to tell from this next shot that about a quarter of the stones were just completely missing. The neighbor told us that a bunch of kids that lived there years back thought it was great fun to go out, jerk the stones out, and smash 'em to pieces. Lovely children, I'm sure.
So, what I did was mix cement, and trowel it in where the stones were missing, trying to form it to look like stone. It worked out okay...if I did it again, I would have added a little coloring...but I ain't doing it again.

And, I brought in sod...oh yeah, this must have been the year that The Mrs. finally got her full vegetable garden, because that's where I got the sod.
An interesting feature of this patio is the rocked-in planters. They are interesting. But the coolest thing is that little bricked-in bench...see it? It is a piece of petrified wood that is almost completely flat across the top.
Then I built a pretty dealie...don't know what you'd call it, but it's pretty, and plants can sit on the top & vines run up the lattice. Plus it filled up the old patio entrance.
Then I took the rest of the cement, and poured a pad on the back of the house for the AC unit. I paid a buddy in the AC business a hundred bucks to move it, and relocated the power myself...and installed a 120v outdoor plug.
Bleached all the bricks, etc.
Everything's looking pretty...
Job complete. So, now you know for certain that it is impossible for me to comply with a simple request.
Mighty fine job, Andy. I bet the original patio was pretty nice, too. That rock/wood bench is a good touch.
ReplyDeleteI like that stone a lot. I want to use something akin to the flat slate to make my "Check on the neighbors patio."
Yeah Two Dogs, I'll bet it was really gorgeous when originally built in the late '40s. But we did our best.
ReplyDeleteYes, that petrified wood bench is one very cool touch. I can't take credit for it, but I sure think it's neat.
I do not know what kind of stone it is for sure. Momma calls it "flagstone," and it is very similar to the rocks my brother-in-law is pulling out of his farm in Northeast Arkansas.
But, it is very, very, very porous, and flakes off from the top in thin sheets occasionally.
I guess even rocks get old...
My brother-in-law will sell you some rocks...he's supplying a bunch of contractors in Dallas now. His rocks are newer than my old crappy ones.
Totally cool! That's a regular oasis.
ReplyDeleteFrom the photos, the rock looks like slate. I like the color and it looks like it was river bed stone, too. Probably really cold. Cold is good down heyah.
ReplyDeleteI am not a rock expert, but I would say that those are around ONE BILLION YEARS OLD.
Yes Staci, it really is an oasis in an urban desert. The Mrs. works to make it that way.
ReplyDeleteTwo Dogs, you are probably right about it being slate. Like I said, it flakes off in very thin sheets from time to time.
My brother-in-law's rocks are much less fragile. They're using them in Dallas to build really fancy swimming pools, patios, etc. I don't think this stuff we have would hold up to rich folks (like you) standards.
That is quite a lovely area now. Funnily enough, I am going through the same thing right now in our backyard at The Manor. The difference is, you actually did something about your space,..me, on the other hand? Not so much.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mayor! I had a tough foreman on that project. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck.
ReplyDeleteGreat job and a most enjoyable read.
ReplyDeleteThanks Patrick! It was a lot of fun turning a sow's ear into a polyester purse. I'm SOP (Sick Of Politics) and decided to post some personal junk. Worn down, I reckon. It sucks when you lose every match. Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm trying to get your e-mail address again to send you something I think you will want to have. I lost it (again).
Now all you have to add is the outdoor privy!
ReplyDeleteWalt, I am a boy, so the whole of outdoors is my privy.
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of giving away all my secrets...there was MORE THAN ONE reason for the wood fence.
I'm sure you know what I mean...
Because she would come unglued if ANY BLACK PERSON walked down the street. And the only people she hated worse than black folks were Jehovah's Witnesses. And I'll tell ya', a black Jehovah's Witness did not stand a chance.Actually, we often talk about your house and dog up there at Brooklyn headquarters, especially the black brothers, especially those with teeth marks on their trousers.
ReplyDeleteIt's just a hobby of mine - Sometimes I'll do a word search on my phrase (Jehovah's Witnesses) and see where it takes me. I like this blog.....Just Andy's Place... Just what Andy believes, what Andy thinks, where Andy lives, who (and what) Andy loves, and who Andy IS! ...IT'S ALL ABOUT ME, DANGIT!!! HA! But I must keep Mrs Sheepandgoats away from it or she will be pestering me to do some like restoration of our garage/basement/deck/dog house/you name it.
A good story, Andy, and good pictures.
Hi Tom! Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, I did not teach Midnight to hate Jehovah's Witnesses. She just basically hated anyone that came close to her territory...and if they rang the doorbell, it was Katie-Bar-The-Door!!!
No one that knew us came to the front door & rang the bell...always to the side porch, and just walked on in. It was always a salesman, or a missionary that politely came to the front...thus her pure hatred of missionaries.
She was a fabulous animal that protected our little spot on earth with all her might.
As I said before...thanks for stopping by...funny comment.
Andy: (dang it)
ReplyDeleteYou may appreciate this bit of JW dog folklore:
We are sometimes treated rudely at the door. Not routinely, but also not infrequently. In general, people are nonplussed by the quite understandable concern that an unexpected and potentially ackward event has intruded upon their time. The demeanor of the individual JW does much to mitigate or exacerpate that concern. Weather plays a part as well.
A certain fellow was decidely rude. "I've nothing to say to you," he said abruptly. "If you want to say something, speak to my dog!" Not at all put out, our guy knelt and gave his presentation to the dog. After which, he straightened up, looked the householder in the eye, and informed him that his dog wanted a double-subscription.
That.Is.Priceless! Have a good one man.