Thursday, May 28, 2009


There is a great cry from many quarters...especially from the President's quarters (joke intended) that "HEALTH CARE IN THE U.S. MUST BE FIXED! HEALTH CARE IN THE U.S. IS BROKEN! 40 MOZILLION UNINSURED! etc."

Well, I thought that I would present you two experts that have experience in both private medical care (as we have in the US), and socialized medical care (as they have in Canada). I just report...y'all can decide...

The first comes from The Mayor of Mitchieville. He is a sharp Canadian that had a rather bad experience with a pesky old appendix around Christmas time last year...and a rather bad experience getting it taken care of in the Canadian health care system.

He discusses a new plan being floated to save money in the Canadian health care system. The whole post is well worth a read...but here is a money quote.

Seeing as though they didn’t have any ambulances and made us drive to another hospital because they didn’t have any doctors that could perform an appendix operation on me, and seeing as though when I got to the other hospital they actually had a doctor but no anesthesiologist to put me under, I would say that I not only would I have been better off grabbing a Ginsu knife, laying of the kitchen table, and letting TLDG carve me up like a Christmas goose, but also, hospital efficiency would have improved dramatically, as the hospital staff could have gone back to playing euchre and other exciting card games while shooing sick people off to other hospitals.

Now that you have heard from north of the border, what say we hear from a good old red-blooded Texas physician about what's really wrong with health care in the US!!!

(Warning: a couple of potty-mouth words in this one)

1 comment:

  1. Conare nullius momenti videri fortasse missilibus careant.
    Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?