Friday, May 29, 2009


This story has been all over the World Wide Computer for a few days now, but if you've missed it, you should avail yourself of this link:

(it says right there at the bottom that it's copyrighted, and not to reproduce none of it, so I'm linking to it as to not break any laws)

Couple: County Trying To Stop Home Bible Studies

A natural first reaction to this story as a Christian, and as an American, is one of great consternation. On the surface it seems that some San Diego County bureautard got the reds about a Pastor holding weekly Bible studies at his private residence, and decided to be all snotty (as bureautards can be), and show 'em just who's boss.

Another natural reaction is "there they go again...targeting they wouldn't mess with Muslims, or the weekly meeting of Citizens For A Green San Diego (C-FAG-SD), or the regular Thursday night sex orgy on Maple St., etc." Christians are becoming shell-shocked by the daily onslaught of persecution by gubmit officials, so it is natural to react like that.

Another very normal reaction as an American (whether Christian or not) is "there they more case of government trying to subvert our freedom of association...control everything in our lives, etc." And there is some merit to that fear, because it is the goal of many in authority to do just that. Don't doubt for one moment that it is not.

However, as a Christian, and an American who lives in a neighborhood with others, I must take a step back and look at this situation objectively. And in doing so, I have some thoughts about the facts of this particular situation. We, especially as Christians, have an obligation to be good neighbors. We are obliged to prefer our neighbors to ourselves, and do nothing to give them concern. While we may have neighbors that are busy-bodies, and are ornery old farts, that does not change the command of Jesus to love busy-bodies and ornery farts. (not an exact quote)

On the page that I linked to, you will see a link on the right to a video of the San Diego County responding to the controversy. It seems that the trouble only began when people attending the Bible study at this Pastor Jones' house began to use the cul-de-sac to park their cars. As a neighbor of others, I know that this can be very aggravating. And, as the County Official said, it may become a public safety issue.

Now, the County's official position on this is still somewhat troubling in that the issue of whether a home Bible study constitutes a gathering that would fall under local codes for churches, like "X number of bathrooms per square foot of seating area, or X number of parking spaces per square foot, or whether it would require a land use permit, etc." is still up in the air. And it will be interesting to see how it is resolved.

But my recommendation to any home Bible study group (and I have been a part of many) is to be a good neighbor...always. If there are not enough parking spaces at the house, y'all just meet up at the mall and pile in on the guy with the biggest know, close communion is good for the soul. (but be sure and bring breath mints...and use some pit perfume before you go)

By the way...that "being a good neighbor thing" is good advice for any Christian, whether you have a Bible study at your place or not.

1 comment:

  1. I also blogged about this. It's one thing to have the occasional party but 15 cars parked in your street every week is a bit much.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?