Monday, June 1, 2009


If you were expecting to see a video of the late, great Dan Seals, and the very lovely Marie Osmond singing their smash hit from 1985...


Okay, here's a link if you're hungry for some Danny & Marie. Man, it's a shame England Dan left us so young. But I digress.

My lifelong buddy, Bart, sent me a photo of a ranch near Nye, Montana that I thought I'd pass along. My kinda' folks...

Y'all get a Google map of Nye, Montana, and keep it handy. We might all have to meet there one day.

(As on the picture to see it big)

1 comment:

  1. That's a great song. I'd go to Montana in a heartbeat.

    Actually a friend of mine and myself have a cedar canyon up in the far reaches of Okieland that we've always swore we'd meet at when the caca hit the fanna, but now they've went and built a wind farm pretty close to it. So, I guess he and I will meet there and head on to Nye.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?