Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Chris Matthews is probably the saddest human being in media. No, wait...it is a toss-up between him and his fellow MSNBC comrade, Keith Olbermann. Y'all please don't quit praying for Keith...I've got high hopes.

Pajamas TV rakes Matthews (the 'reporter' that told all of the world that Obama gave him a "thrill up my leg"...once a very close aide to the very rotund, alcoholic Mick, Speaker of the House, Tip O'Neill (what is it about Massachusetts?) over the coals. Watch this video. Allen Barton points out what a true sack of frazzled dog dookie that Matthews is.


  1. Eeeewwww, he's so disgusting!

    It's Craig, Alaska, to be exact! On the 4th of July, no less.

  2. Chris Matthews is the bizarro world version of Bill O'Reilly. I despise them both.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?