Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The whole world has gone crazy!!!

Well, maybe not "the whole world." I have just sifted through a bazillion "The Facebook" e-mails (which I'm fixing to drop), read that South Carolina Goober Mark Sanford (R) has been down to Argentina to hook up with some gal he swapped e-mails with, and read that Nevada Senator John Ensign (R) also can't keep it zipped up. Jeepers, what's wrong with folks?

I mean...The Mrs. finally educated me on "Jon and Kate." It seems that these two people just hated each other so much that they decided to use artificial means to have children. Now, there's a plan! She's like an "Octomom" without the eight legs.

Actually, while I was waiting for the CWS to start last night (delayed by rain), The Mrs. was looking at the "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT PROGRAM" on whatever network it airs. So, I sat down and looked. I told The Mrs., "Dang...look at her hair! She looks like Don King with boobs...and Jon looks like that Vietnamese funny guy Dat Phan...except he's got earrings, and not a hint of a smile!"

So, The Mrs. 'splained to me what a witch Kate is, and how Jon was whipped down from forever. So, I'm thinking..."Why not just 'man up' and give her a punch right square in the mouth? I're Vietnamese and all, know all that Kung Fu stuff...that should do it!" No more problems with the wicked witch of the TV...done!

But, evidently Jon is an Asian wuss. He's not willing to forego all the big bucks he and Kate can make by exploiting their children, and their obvious hatred of each other. GOOD ON HIM!

After a long day of working, checking on my The Facebook junk (which I am about to delete), cleaning my AC Condensing unit so it doesn't explode on me in our current hellish heat, (and doing a bunch of other junk that I can not reveal on the world wide computer) I decided to sit down and relax by listening to my cousin.

Well, he was my beloved Papaw's cousin. So I guess that makes me like a fourth cousin or something. It did calm me down real good. Now, I gotta go watch LSU beat the living snot out of the miserable, worthless, pie-dumping Cows from Austin in the finals of the CWS. But y'all enjoy. (the "sausage guy" is even in this one)

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Jim Reeves was my mother's favorite; I heard these songs over and over while I was growing up. Thanks for reminding me of some great days!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?