I thought about posting a bunch of Aggie Jokes to illustrate just how ignorant the Texas A & M Aggies can be. In fact, I may do that one day. At one time, I had all 9 volumes of "101 Aggie Jokes." There were 909 jokes in those volumes that were gut-splitting funny.
One month after Hurricane Katrina hit the central Gulf coast, an even bigger mamma-jamma known as "Hurricane Rita" bore down on the coast near the LA/TX border. Emergency preparedness officials in Texas warned everyone hundreds of miles inland to prepare for Rita...torrential rains, high winds, tornados, etc.
Well, it seems that the good folks in Bryan/College Station, TX had seen all the damage that Katrina did to UNO, Tulane, Xavier in New Orleans, and other Universities in Mississippi, and Alabama, and took the warnings to heart...
(click on it to see it big)

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